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The only "-ism" worth following is Antagonism. Pick your stance, pronounce it loudly and with great fervour, and defend it to the last. Be a voice of reason in a world gone mad. Or a voice gone mad in the world for no reason.

And remember: Objectivity is for the weak.

On Alliances

2 Dia 2,280, 09:53 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

During times of strife, it pays to ally oneself with the very strong. We would do well now to ally with Asteria:

The Asteria page

This would help greatly in our current struggle against

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A Strong Sentiment from the Days of my Youth.

2 Dia 2,279, 20:02 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

While I do not condone all the cussing, the sentiment rings even more true today than it did when I was a lad.

(VIDEO) A fine protest song for eCanada (VIDEO).

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My only question is...

5 Dia 2,276, 18:59 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Why have we not been at war with these cretins all along?

This programme is on The Learning Channel. What can be learned from this? Every day, we allow their ignorance to

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Vote MDP, The Only Intelligent Choice!

12 Dia 2,197, 01:16 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

A congressional election vote for MDP is the only intelligent choice. Our glorious leader, Connor MacLeod, speaks our goals very plainly - or "concisely" if you wish to be an unpleasant picker of ad hominem nits - when he says "MDP Gets S__t Done."

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The Time For Talk Is Long Over

22 Dia 2,194, 10:53 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

God pound you, President Oinyo. I cannot believe my eyes. Not three days ago, I had some respect for you. You vowed that your talk of conquest and empire was not a throwaway joke. Finally it seemed you were willing to accept our true and proper

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