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The New World's most trusted source for unbiased military analysis and reporting. Anyone who wishes to quote or translate articles must link back to the article, and notify Lieutenant Scheisskopf via PM, to avoid being reported for plagiarism

Time to Take Back America: Persistence

12 Dia 650, 19:34 Publicado em USA USA

I ordinarily refuse to start an article with a quote, but for today’s article, it is best to do it anyways:

"Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." -Adlai

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Time to Take Back America: Foreign Relations

15 Dia 649, 12:03 Publicado em USA USA

The third part of the "Take Back America" series focuses on the eUSA's foreign relations, looking at Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs), war

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Time to Take Back America: Infrastructure

13 Dia 647, 15:41 Publicado em USA USA

Part 2 of the "Take Back America" series is going to focus on our country's civilian infrastructure, a term I use to include two themes in

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Time to Take Back America: Focus on ePortugal First

12 Dia 646, 17:22 Publicado em USA USA

After being on hiatus all this week for RL concerns, I'm back and glad to see that the eUSA has begun a fairly successful counteroffensive.

I am going to write a couple articles over the next few days with the "Time to Take Back America" theme,

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Positives from the War

11 Dia 639, 20:19 Publicado em USA USA

The war is not over, but since we are basically at the low point of the war and will hopefully soon recover, I thought I would look at the positives the war has produced for the eUS thus far. Positives in the immediate present are hard to come by,

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