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I´m not perfect. I´m just Ukranian

56 Dia 1,573, 00:26 Publicado em Ukraine Ukraine Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Hi everybody!! This is my first article in this wonderful country 🙂 I´m really happy with this society 🙂 You are incredible and you don´t donate me anything .

I came here 1 week ago with my sister Hailey14 for be with her here... and I

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Spanish CP has been banned

25 Dia 1,549, 06:27 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Spain is in difficult moments...

Now, his president has been temporaly banned... who will be president now? Spain hasn´t territories because Brazil and USA won it...

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La verdad sobre el "robo" al IAN de los 350k ESP

40 Dia 1,535, 06:25 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Bueno, veo que Hunnter Yoel ha conseguido lo que buscaba, hacer ruido y hacerse quedar él como un verdadero héroe de su (e)País haciendo juego sucio a otras personas.

Él estaba acusado de un robo, entonces... ¿ Qué hizo ?, le pasó el problema a

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My first day in eSerbia

13 Dia 1,503, 01:30 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Hi guys, well, I´m ReMiiX, in real life my name is Laura, and I eBorn in Spain, But I decided change my CS because one friend said me he could help me, so I acepted.
I sended my message to congressman and 2 days later, I saw the next

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¿ Qué pasa en la economía ?

27 Dia 1,494, 00:37 Publicado em Spain Spain Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Vuelvo a escribir un artículo, ya que estoy asustada con el descenso de salarios en ePolonia por ejemplo, y es que muchos de ustedes sabrán que hasta hace 5 días oscilaba sobre los 130 PLN, pero el día que salieron las tan criticadas empresas Q6,

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