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A languid and litterate look through the lenses of a larger than life legend as he lopes lion heartedly through leagues upon leagues of languishingly limpwristed lice.

Do You Like That New Star In Our Flag?

36 Dia 1,018, 03:59 Publicado em USA USA

Do you like looking at Old Glory and seeing a poorly shopped extra star ruining its symmetry? Do you like the fact Russia is again Rainbow coloured? Do you like High Titanium? Do you enjoy trolling Russians about having a region conquered by

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Hey Admin

95 Dia 1,017, 16:03 Publicado em USA USA

>Far Eastern Russia was secured by Russia in the war versus USA

>4 hours before battle was meant to close

>EDEN in control of the field

>Battle reopens, neither side can fight

>Battle closes 8 hours late with EDEN in control of the field

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One More Time My Friends, Into The Breech

22 Dia 1,016, 19:38 Publicado em USA USA

Dear America,

America, you had to know this was coming. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for this delicious moment for years. I’ve sat in my comfortable home, with my 2.5 kids, white picket fence, golden lab (I’ve christened it Lassie), and

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Unfinished Business

45 Dia 1,015, 17:13 Publicado em USA USA

I had no intention of running again after this term. Personally, I am unsatisfied with my activity level this past month and that alone would be enough to tell me I don’t deserve to run again. Those of you who know me will know my life has been

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Who Do We Blame?

30 Dia 1,013, 03:50 Publicado em USA USA

Firstly, I apologise for not getting an article out in the last three days, my show was finishing its run for the year. If it’s any consolation, I’ve had 14 hours sleep in the last 3 days so 😛

The reason for this article is obvious. We lost FER

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