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A paper of vague and somewhat troubling bits of insight into the mind of everyone's favorite reaper.

Is this the end for PM XZ already or not?

23 Dia 1,535, 09:08 Publicado em New Zealand New Zealand Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Kia Ora Kiwis.

I know this article is a little early, however, who knows what will happen in the next couple of days. I don't want to forget about the people who have helped … ler mais »

[eNZ CP] Are you ready for payback? {ENG/SRB}

16 Dia 1,522, 08:01 Publicado em New Zealand New Zealand Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Kia Ora Kiwis.

Can you feel that?

I realize that is has been much too long since my last national address, and for that I

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eNew Zealand To Arms!!!

33 Dia 1,517, 16:36 Publicado em New Zealand New Zealand Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Kia Ora eKiwis!

Forgive me if I don't get on my soap box and rant, but today is a difficult day in our short history in eRepublik. eChile will attack

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eNew Zealand's Future

26 Dia 1,516, 09:32 Publicado em New Zealand New Zealand Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Kia Ora Kiwis.

Cute... yet deadly when backed into a corner

I know keeping the populace informed is the Minister of Information's job, however, I want all

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Fighting Smart and Restructured eNZ MU's

22 Dia 1,511, 11:00 Publicado em New Zealand New Zealand Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Kia Ora Kiwis!

So after fighting in the last campaign for Auckland in our Training War with eChile, I noticed some things that need to change! We wasted too much damage on battles that were already won, and did not fight hard enough when we

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