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Blah on a game...

Trouble in Paradise

9 Dia 1,562, 10:36 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Of Alliances

The 'Brotherhood of Eden' (what about the sisters?) has never been the proverbial paradise that it's name implies. ALL alliances have ongoing and varying arguements on a host of issues but this is the nature of alliance almost … ler mais »

Notes to the next MoFa...

14 Dia 1,535, 08:15 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Sorry no pictures here; strictly business.

Within the Department

Could we PLEASE get this Department active again? As a Chucky Norris historical article I read recently said we used to have an MoFa Department and CSIS

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An Avalanche from the West

8 Dia 1,535, 01:29 Publicado em Canada Canada Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

The Greatest eCanadian Campaign?

Sorry for less frequency in my war analysis; have been away recently. This is quite a long article about what is essentialy an avalanche, how one started and the pschological panic one can cause.

[img][/img] … ler mais »

Second Bites at Apples: eCanadian War Analysis

15 Dia 1,504, 06:04 Publicado em Canada Canada Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Two Theatres

It seems generaly that the main heat of the war can now be divided into the Western and Central European theatres. Since the comprehensive defeat of ePoland in eUSA (after we, eCanada entered the war) and Addy … ler mais »

Of Mice and War

10 Dia 1,495, 11:36 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

History Made!

More ehistory is made: eUK has NEVER been wiped off the map before! eCanada took London first a few months ago, then eIreland repeated the operation and now eFrance has helped us create this ehistoric episode! Perhaps … ler mais »