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Free Food

9 Dia 1,268, 09:43 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

This is primarily for those under lvl 20 or thereabouts but if ur stuck exceptions will be made

Irish ?

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Vote for Me !!

9 Dia 1,251, 16:03 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

But Seriously If you Dont I'll BURN the toast

Vote for Castaneda On the 25th in the Cork/Kerry Region

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Pissup and Brewery !!

48 Dia 1,221, 17:43 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

So with the majority of votes cast in todays congress elections it seems our local PTO squad and friends have 22 votes , with at least 5 of them due to get a seat and a possibility of the other 2 also gaining seats.

So what happened ?

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21 Dia 1,084, 09:31 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Wanna know why OJ was impeached ???

OJ never wanted to have to serve a full term as president ,He just wanted his shiny medal .

OJ knew that appointing IBhoy as MoD would lead to his impeachment .
IBhoy who has NEVER shown any remorse … ler mais »

Uselful links/Articles and Info

6 Dia 951, 06:48 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Incase you didn't know

There's been a lot going on in the last few days

Here's a Few Articles Explaining recent events

Our President Moomoohead'sler mais »