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Commanders and Party Presidents

8 Dia 2,218, 02:20 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Creating a MU will cost 40 g. Creating a Political Party will also cost 40 g.
But why do they cost the same??????
If you create a MU you can stay commander for as long as you want but if you create a PP can only stay party president for a month

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Chief of Army Staff

6 Dia 2,216, 07:08 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

There should be a post called Chief of Army Staff who would be the head of the whole Country's army. He would be appointed in the same way as the CP but the things that a PP does in a CP election does will be done by a Commander in a COAS elections.

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Vote for me in Captain elections

0 Dia 2,215, 21:07 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Hey members of regiment 2 in Guards of Green vote for me in captain elections as your captain i will:

1)Represent Mohammed Bilal
2)Not kick anyone for no reason
3)Donate to the MU
4)Fight for even harder Pakistan
5)Set a convenient daily task

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We should advance into Croatia

15 Dia 2,213, 06:30 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

As almost all India regions are conquered by us and Croatia, we should advance into Croatia. We can option a large number of Indian regions by defeating them. If we succeed to fully conquer all Indian region, we will be powerful. We can even NE

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China-Pakistan war

9 Dia 2,211, 02:48 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

eChina has proposed natural enemy to us and it just has to be approved by the congress. This is the same condition in ePakistan someone proposed the law and it is left for approval. I voted for yes the reason behind voting for yes is that eChina has

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