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News from the World that matters

Finnish-Estonian Friendship Reaches Breakthrough

1 Dia 2,408, 08:22 Publicado em Norway Norway Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

The outstanding relations between Finland and Estonia have reached a new, major breakthrough. In an attempt to save money spent on the local Ministries and Departments, both countries have decided to further enhance cooperation.

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Oslo to become Russian Capital

2 Dia 2,403, 03:42 Publicado em Norway Norway Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

As the current capital Khabarovsk is in the far east of Asia, the Russian government has decided to move the capital - to Oslo.

In a press conference a government spokesman announced "Russia wants to move closer to its European allies. With the

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War for the Islands - Guerra por las islas

8 Dia 2,400, 04:13 Publicado em Norway Norway Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

70 years after the allies landed in Normandy and 32 years after the war for the Falklands / Islas Malvinas, Argentina has decided to bring back warfare to the channel.

In what is believed to be a declaration of war, 10 Downing Street received a

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War - Croatia launches Airstrike on Japan

9 Dia 2,396, 15:46 Publicado em Norway Norway Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Croatia has started an Aisrstrike on Japan to retaliate for the skills of Yuichi Nishimura, the referee of the opening match of this year's Football World Cup in Brazil.

According to first information a government spokesman apologized for the

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Oslo Orchestra Performs Farewell for British Military

9 Dia 2,395, 08:55 Publicado em Norway Norway Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

This morning the last British military personal left Oslo. As a special farewell the Oslo Filharmonien composed several pieces for them.

"We wanted to give those soldiers a

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