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keeps tracks of events in erepublik

Power Spin 28. february

0 Dia 4,483, 06:28 Publicado em Norway Norway Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

We got power spin on day 28. February 2020
Good luck!

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Erepublik Valentine 2020

1 Dia 4,473, 13:54 Publicado em Norway Norway Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

can receive 200 gifts x100 energy and some decorations
lasted 3 days

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Erepublik Winter Challlenge 2019

0 Dia 4,417, 11:33 Publicado em Norway Norway Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Started on 24th December 2019
60k PP for PH
50 energy candy and gifts as extra rewards
Strength switch
Hoping for Giftmass tomorrow
no giftmass this year, gifts earned only through weekly challenge..
Happy Holidays !!!

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12th erepublik aniversary 2019

1 Dia 4,382, 11:47 Publicado em Norway Norway Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

So it started on 19th november as anniversary challenge with pumpkins and skins, 60500 prestige points for prestige hunter medal and awards.
Tomorrow is anniversary and we can expect daily rewards. Also hoping for contested battles PP x3 tomorrow 🙂

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Erepublik Shadow challenge - Halloween 2019

1 Dia 4,366, 16:54 Publicado em Norway Norway Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

This is for future reference..
29 oct 2019
In this challenge we got pumpkins and shadow booster as bonus..
Shadow booster makes 100% more dmg but not for rank and tp, only doubles dmg on battlefield, can be used in combo with other boosters and

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