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eRepublik Magyar Hírességek (eCelebek) - 2. rész [HU] (Vote)

26 Dia 680, 01:19 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

Hello! Az eRepublik Magyar Hírességei (eCelebek) 2. száma következik!

Az első számról annyit, hogy meg vagyok vele elégedve. 285 ler mais »

A PEACE kórháziparának fellendítése [HU]

9 Dia 678, 09:17 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

Úgy gondolom, mára még nem írtam magam, és belefér két Celeb-Cikk között egy teljesen más témákkal foglalkozó, komolyabb iromány. A Celebes Cikket különben holnapra tervezem.

Kedves PEACE lakosok / és főleg Magyarok!

Az utóbbi idők há … ler mais »

Interview with Hungarian Celebrities - Part 1 [ENG]

2 Dia 677, 08:42 Publicado em France France

I started to wrote some article about Famous Hungarian Players. My intention is to bring our „celebrities” closer to average citizens. I think, I should mention Malika ela, who inspired me with her articles. Thanks Malika!
I hope so we learn
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Interview sa Mađarske Poznate Licnosti - Part 1 [ENG]

7 Dia 677, 08:28 Publicado em Serbia Serbia

I started to wrote some article about Famous Hungarian Players. My intention is to bring our „celebrities” closer to average citizens. I think, I should mention Malika ela, who inspired me with her articles. Thanks Malika!
I hope so we learn
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Interview with Hungarian Celebrities - Part 1 [ENG]

3 Dia 677, 08:19 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

I started to wrote some article about Famous Hungarian Players. My intention is to bring our „celebrities” closer to average citizens. I think, I should mention Malika ela, who inspired me with her articles. Thanks Malika!
I hope so we learn
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