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Empresários: Brincando de quem vende mais rápido!!

23 Dia 1,155, 08:01 Publicado em Brazil Brazil

Bom o que venho comentar hoje, é sobre a sacanagem que ta o mercado local, como exemplo vou citar o foo😛

Os empresário eBrasileiros pelo menos até agora, não estão querendo saber de lucros e sim de se livrar de seu estoque, ou seja, estão

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Article, the application of PP Free Belgium.

8 Dia 1,148, 15:42 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Hello Belgian citizens, it is with great pleasure and dedication to come here through this article launching my candidacy to chair the party's Free Belgium.

Good many members of the Free Belgium must be wondering, why is this guy running for

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Work daily in all your companies.

5 Dia 1,147, 09:34 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Dear Manager,

In order to improve your game experience, starting with Day 1050, we will give you the opportunity to work, once per day, for all the companies that you own on your citizen account.

Isn't that great? Higher daily
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Let's play, make-believe? Here you are "Congressmen Belgians"

8 Dia 1,144, 14:07 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Certain staff as I like to participate in politics will make a joke with you, actually a test to see if the Belgian population would see their taxes changed. Well, the joke is this, here on "Belgium you are all the Congressmen Belgians" and will

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Participating in Politics ...

6 Dia 1,143, 16:40 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Hello LFernandoX am, I managed to citizenship recently and so I want to participate in politics, although not a congressman, president of the country or the party president, even though the policy suggestions wanted to help this country.

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