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basically shitposts


6 Dia 2,699, 03:14 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Puts on Twirls detective hat.

Today on CSRI, brilliant detective Hail Astrid[/ler mais »

How To Pick Your CP!

13 Dia 2,692, 02:07 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

This month's CP race looks to be a competitive one, with five candidates vying for your vote in roughly 21 hours.
(Is it too late to write an election-based article?)

Here we go, then.

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[PENIS] Interview with SichimDragos!

14 Dia 2,678, 01:39 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Welcome once again to the series which, for some reason, has not gone flaccid yet out of boredom and/or laziness!

Pay-Per-View Exclusive: Newbie Interviews

Or PENIS, for short.

Heh, heh.


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Guilt, Shame, Regret & Remorse: Press F to Pay Respects

14 Dia 2,676, 01:47 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I was gonna keep quiet about it and take the secret to my grave.

Then I read this.

Here is a quote from the aforementioned article, presented by an attractive

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[PENIS] Interview with matthewuk!

33 Dia 2,670, 08:12 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Welcome to the series you thought was dead (or promptly forgot about in the mad rush of "Dictator" articles):

Pay-Per-View Exclusive: Newbie Interviews

Or PENIS, for short.

Heh, heh.

Am I going to keep reusing that

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