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UP UP And Away We Go!!

7 Dia 2,654, 19:54 Publicado em South Africa South Africa Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

This is quite exciting, for the first time UP is finally showing strong results at the polls. I want to thank everyone for voting as usual! UP will be a strong opposition and a different change in congress from the usual inactivity. Regular updates

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Lazocracy Hits A New Low

34 Dia 2,644, 09:50 Publicado em South Africa South Africa Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Once again my complete awe of how stupid Lazocracy can be astounds me.

Tifonus has fabricated a message between him and I, which basically claims I want to join Lazocracy. Are you just incredibly stupid or high on

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Some Thoughts

15 Dia 2,643, 11:01 Publicado em South Africa South Africa Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

If it wasn`t obviously I won`t be running for reelection as head of UP, it has become quite clear that new leadership is either wanted or needed. Looking back on my term I am proud to say I`ve accomplished alot for the eSouth African opposition.

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The Past Week

6 Dia 2,640, 19:45 Publicado em South Africa South Africa Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I apologize to my loyal readers, I`ve been quite busy lately but I promise by tomorrow I shall be posting articles by the dozen for the next couple of weeks. I would like to thank everyone for voted in the presidential elections, we didn`t beat

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Let`s stop drinking the cool-aid

27 Dia 2,632, 20:04 Publicado em South Africa South Africa Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Weirdly enough today I was accused of working with Lazocracy through a private message or "negotiating" with Lazocracy. I have feeling people may believe this even though this was a first accusation. If those who believe I am working with Lazocracy,

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