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A Happy Announcement

12 Dia 519, 16:29 Publicado em USA USA

I am excited to announce the happy eMarriage of Five and Muljo. At a stunning IRC ceremony twice performed by the Reverend John Jay (since he forgot about the rings the first time around), Five and Muljo became one at 6:37 PM EST on April 22, 2009.

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Light Up Your eLife!

4 Dia 515, 14:06 Publicado em USA USA

Somewhere on Earth, in the wee hours of the morning, there is a dark silent room. The room is suddenly pierced by a hair-raising buzzing. As if on cue from the clock, a colorful statement goes flying through the air about the hour while a hand

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Consider This...

0 Dia 508, 10:29 Publicado em USA USA

There are a ton of newspapers out there in the eWorl😛 some present actual news, others opinions, a few tackle gripes, and many attack issues. There are also newspapers that are politically motivated by those in power who write them to either

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