Fundo lig/desl

Scotland, Canada

7 Dia 995, 19:17 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

From: Commanding Officer, Na Fianna, Irish Defence Forces
To: Our Canadian Brethren

Subj: Highly UN-Royal Ass Kicking in Edinburgh

1. Hail eCanada, Hail eIreland! It was our pleasure to fight beside you!


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Spoiler: Official eUK MoD Orders Found!

15 Dia 993, 13:08 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

(Found on the floor of a Dublin Pub)

From: United Faildom Ministry of Defence
To: All British Subjects, Lackeys Trolls, Geezers and Channers:

Subj: Operation Crybaby/Butthurtz

By Royal Decree, ler mais »

Pleased to meet you, I hope you guessed my name

20 Dia 925, 00:08 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello there my love, My Ireland.

Let's break that third wall down for a moment. If you know me you are firmly in one of two camps. You are either my brother, sister or compatriot or you stand firmly against me....

If you twist ler mais »

Brolliance: Island Style!

17 Dia 868, 22:59 Publicado em Japan Japan

Konnichiwa Japan!

Shitsurei shimasu!

-Obligatory ler mais »

Rantasaurous Rex

59 Dia 854, 14:30 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

(A slightly edited version of a rant I placed in the Private Dáil)

Why I'm not running for congress or taking cabinet positions... for a while (after I'm ler mais »