The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 869, 23:22 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 22:50 ERT on April 7, 2010 - Day 869

Military|Politics|Community|Glossary of Terms
Mobius Kitteh Edition!

Military Maneuvers
Finland recovering; Norway doomed

-Phoenix commanders committed a serious tactical error by relying on Estonia to help Russia hold Finnish territories. Originally, Estonia was supposed to form a barrier between Finland and Russia so that Russia could fight elsewhere. They screwed up region swapping, however, and initiative blocked Russia for 24 hours. Today, they lost two resistance wars to the fiesty Finns. This brings Finland to three regions.

-After a PTO-er won Norway's presidential elections and committed national suicide by attacking Sweden (erasing almost all of its own MPPs) and the UK (activating their MPPs), the UK has finally found a battle they can win. Congrats, cowards. Sweden will soon be surrounded by Phoenix enemies. Russia has also gotten in on the action.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries

Jobs Hub Opened; Aeros changes mind

-The Department of Interior re-opened the Jobs Hub. This a key to newb retention. Good stuff, Maxx Johnson.

-Multi-media mogul Aeros, long-time EDEN supporter, condemned the alliance today.

-I lost to fingerguns in Emmanuel Cruise's Congressional Tournament. I wouldnt be suprised if that treacherous fingerguns promised voters unicorns and Zooey Deschanel pictures in exchange for votes. >.>

-Myles Robinson recaps the presidential elections and talks Poland relations.

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

The Brolliance Newspaper Network
Canadian Writers!
jbdivinus // Acacia Mason // Tyler F Durden // Craig Norman // Banach //Adasko
Irish Writers!
patton // Donovan Thomas // Irish Princess // Edana Savage// Niall H // 5n4keyes
Australian Writers!
Dartreal // patti11
US Writers!
Myles Robinson // system0101 // sydiot // Mr. Hyphenated // Sleeve

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