Letter from Santa #5

Day 1,494, 04:08 Published in Norway Norway by Sir Greggory Groda
Read Letter from Santa #1, #2,#3 and #4 First

It looks like the storm is seizing now, and I might be able to do my christmas eve trip. I've also got a phonecall from Norad, giving me the heads up on the trip.

Earlier this morning I also got confirmation from EDEN, Terra and ONE that they will not interfere with my flightplans over scandinavia. So it looks like christmas is on!

I do however still see a cloud of noughtyness hanging over Sweden and a group of Serbians in both Denmark and Norway, and it looks bad. Thankfully, the Finnish are helping their scandinavian brothers. I so hope scandinavia will shine again.

Well, time to load the sleigh, and brief Rudolph. It's soon time for takeoff, and it will be an intresting trip. Hold your fingers for the best christmas eve ever!

Father Christmas