Found Journal #006

Day 4,113, 16:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Several folders strewn upon an office table filled with varied documents, photographs, mission dossiers and a battered, half scorched leather pocket journal.



Liberty Hall, Dublin, Ireland
Day 4113, 16.55 eRT

Operation Rasa Blank (Blank Slate), First Quarter Observations

Having given it some thought over some solitary drinks and a sleepless nights rest, it suddenly occurred to me as I was showering. The water was frigid cold as always, I've gotten used to that. But when the water gauge alarm rang that's when it hit me. My dreadful Eureka.

The men in the field are now used to our Mk. III Vorpal siren's mind altering effect when called into simulated combat. To them it is a normal part of military procedure as far as they are concerned. So far very few have even questioned it and those who have are never usually in any position to complain. It causes headaches, nausea and panic, all of which of course is routinely explained away by field C.O's and medics as simply "nerves before battle".

Of course that is all a lie, our operation is to condition our soldiers into a state of unquestioning subservience as quickly and efficiently as possible. So as a Scientist I must declare the operation has been a success so far, within the perimeters of it's function, but after reading these journals, accounts of different soldiers who have undergone our conditioning I must say I am deeply troubled. Often the mechanization of war can eclipse the very reason why humans fight each other and I fear I may have found a fatal flaw in our endeavor. The soldiers still believe they are the people they once where.

This operation is my life's work. Since the day of it's foundation I have poured all of my efforts into researching countless methods for its creation but in all our haste preparing to fight off Asterian forces, perhaps as a cruel turn of fate, Operation Rasa Blank is in fact creating fully realized soldiers, post surgery. Or perhaps I'm simply going mad. Am I the only one who can see it? When I heard that water gauge alarm I felt as if I too where on the battlefield, but I was someone else entirely.


CASE #01 Lieutenant Tadgh F. Mac Allistar, Na Fianna, 1st Regiment

Conditioning nominal, no recollection post-surgery evident.

Notes: Na Fianna Disbanded/Destroyed. First Corporal, Thomas J. Kennedy, Irish Army, 2nd Regiment Information Classified, Pending Approval

CASE #2 "Roger"

Conditioning inconclusive, no recollection post-surgery evident.

Notes: Psychopathic, Sadistic behavior. Unknown correlation. Presumed dead.

CASE #3 Private 1st Class, Joe Quigley, I.N.L.A, 2nd Regiment

Conditioning nominal, no recollection post-surgery evident.

Notes: Unusual empathetic behavior. Information Classified, Pending Approval

CASE #4 Lance Corporal, Mick Hughes , I.C.A, 4th Regiment

Conditioning compromised, some recollection post-surgery evident.

Notes: Strong memory of a previous family. Unknown levels of conditioning. Information Classified, Pending Approval. Status Unknown

CASE #5 Andrew Hughes, Airman First Class, I.C.A, 1st Regiment

Conditioning compromised, some recollection post-surgery evident.

Notes: Strong memory of a previous family. Unknown levels of conditioning. Information Classified, Pending Approval. Deceased


This new phenomena of "Journal-Keeping" among the soldiers, despite strict orders against such practice seems to be becoming more and more evident. Perhaps the Mk. III Voral siren isn't combat ready outside of Simulated War? Merely conjecture I know but considering its noise it would certainly alert hostiles of an attack. More work needs to be done. Memory is such a fickle, fluid concept, like grasping at water.

Perhaps there is simply no way to speed up the training process required for war and the only thing that can harden the human heart to such endeavors is either over exposure on the field or distancing oneself from the battlefield entirely and bombing indiscriminately? The very thought that I may be wrapped up in this also is such a frightening concept. Surely I remember my wife and children, how they where killed in that black booming instant, how I barely escaped crawling through the destruction of Waterford. Why do these files, and this evil little Journal haunt me so?

Please send this journal back out into the field. I know the top brass will want to know why but you must trust me. The whole operation may hinge on this one factor. I have all the materials you've sent me copied and secured. I'm staring at a photograph of my wife and children. They are playing in our old home. Our back garden littered with toys. I don't know how I still have this photo.

I trust you Dr. Fogarthy, and your discretion on this matter. Any expedience on acquiring the missing/deceased soldiers files would also be much appreciated.

Yours Respectfully,

Dr. Feidhlim O'Ceallaigh, Liberty Hall Laboratories