Found Journal #004

Day 4,109, 11:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Kaitlinn

Blood stained paper torn out of a journal, found in the ruins of a remote farmhouse in occupied Cork, Bulgaria.
Cork, Bulgaria
Day 4109, 11:00 ERT

To anyone reading this

My name is Lance Corporal Mick Hughes I am one of 2 members left of regiment 4 of the ICA military unit. Corporal Murphy is out there somewhere we parted ways yesterday as he went to check on family, and give them sad new about his cousin Sean.

Was hoping to get back to Mayo and my wife Sarah my children son Thomas and daughter Erin, but it seems its not to be.

The enemy is here I can hear them below in the house screaming at the old woman who offered me a bed and a roof over my head for the night, when I stopped here to ask if she had some food to spare. Was going to leave at dawn but was so tired I've slept well past dawn, and now they found me.

I've been running these past 2 days to get the message through about the massacare; no the murder of the men in my regiment by these men who hunt me. Sean was only 15 years old you bastards and you murdered him along with everyone else except Murph and me, I will get this message through.

We had found a small deserted town to hunker down for a few days rest before heading on to a cache of food and weapons we desperately needed. After eating the Cap sent me and Murph as the regiment's 2 snipers up to the hills to keep watch over the valley. Sean wanted to come with and if we had, had a spare sniper rifle we would have taken him with, as he had the makings of a good sniper from his practicing with us. If we had known what was about to happen......

We grabbed our rifles, the little ammunition we had left, and some food and water and headed up the hill overlooking the town. We soon found a good spot and settled down.

Wasn't a hour a two before we saw them a large regiment of Bulgarians headed directly towards the town, and radioed in a warning. We saw our guys spread out and take up positions as they waited for the enemy to come to them.

The fight was short as I said we were low on ammunition, while the enemy had plenty. Murph and I tried to take out officers but they soon realised there were snipers around and moved out of range.

Finally the shooting stopped first on our side and then theirs. Half our regiment was dead and a lot wounded. The Bulgarian commander called out for our surrender that we would not be harmed (Lying bastard).

We saw the Cap discussing things with a few of the officers and they decided to take a chance on the offer. Everyone laid down their weapons and walked, limped out with their hands up.

And those absolute bastards I shake from fury still in memory. That commander turned to his men and ordered "KILL THEM". They bayoneted our unarmed men where they stood. Those that could tried to fight back but what is bare hands against armed men. We saw Sean grab a bayonet from one of them and attack the commander slice his face close to an eye hopefully took it out, before they killed him.

I had to physically restrain Murph from running down the hill and certain death. "We need to tell our people whats going on, we can't do it dead Murph" I growled.

With heavy hearts we left our hideouts and carefully moved away covering our tracks as best we could.

Now that bastard is down below looking for one of the witnesses to him and his men's crime. Did they get Murph I don't know. But I'm leaving this journal page here for someone to find and learn of what the enemy is capable of.

Soon I will climb out the window and try escape and get my message through, but I hear their dogs that they used to track me. So escape is not likely.

Just let my family and unit know that I fought bravely to do what is right, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it home.

Lance Corporal Mick Hughes
ICA Regiment 4 Sniper