Fighting Intensifies Across Europe, Day 1099

Day 1,099, 14:49 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Fighting has returned to traditional hotbeds where borders frequently shift, although some new faces are emerging in strange places. Four countries continue to fight in Europe’s northwest islands, while one Phoenix power slowly emerges from conquest as a second is attacked with intention of conquering it entirely. And after action in Iberia appeared to settle, new battles unfolded which have reinvigorated the fighting there.

USA Enters British-Irish Conflict
The eUSA took advantage of its active war with the eUK from a previous invasion and intervened in Ireland by attacking eUK positions, conquering Cork & Kerry and the South West of England (SWoE) on Day 1098. While the eUSA was immediately counterattacked, however, by the eUK, its foothold in the conflict zone could not be denied. Nevertheless, the eUSA’s continued excursion into the South East of England (SEoE) at 2:51 on Day 1099, has been easily stifled and may represent a short-term end to the North American country’s intervention; given its geographic significance-- the region borders London, which was once host to a massive battle-- it is no surprise that the eUK is actively protecting SEoE . Meanwhile, the eUSA has been engaged in a curious resistance war (RW) for Cork & Kerry. Started by a native eIrishman to give eIreland additional regions in case it is further threatened by the eUK, the RW is in the midst of a heavy stalemate which may keep the eUSA in control of a region which has no border with the eUK at this time.

Great Britain and Ireland are getting crowded with the eUSA entering the fray throughout Day 1098 (left) and Day 1099 (right), and both the eUK and eCanada have crossed the Irish Sea into Ireland

Canada, UK Move in Ireland
Day 1097 witnessed an eUK attack on Northern Ireland, the controversial region which is natively eUK-controlled, at 09:00, preceding eIrish counterattacks on Northeast of Ireland and Southeast of Ireland in the following two minutes. These battles were fiercely contested and lasted over 24 hours, but only Southeast of Ireland fell in an outcome against eUK interests. The eUK victories split eIrish positions in Ireland, but also gave eUK-occupied territories a border with eCanada, which the eCanadians exploited on Day 1098 when it invaded Northern Ireland at 14:45. eCanada’s anticipated victory in Northern Ireland may soon give way to an attack on the final eUK possession in Ireland, which could lead to this conflict coming to an end if the eUK is also able to retake Wales, which it attacked on Day 1099 at 13:35. At that point, we could see the eUSA and eCanada relinquishing its Irish regions to eIreland, unless the eUK were to cross the Irish Sea once more. An uneasy peace is possible here in the coming days, although the eCanadians have indicated that they will not be abandoning Great Britain, as it easily put down a RW for Yorkshire & Humberside on Day 1098.

Italy Renews Attacks on Germany
Only days after southern eGerman regions emerged from eItalian occupation, eItaly moved to declare war on eGermany and attacked Bavaria at 15:13 on Day 1098. The attacks come just days before Congressional elections, a significant fact given that eGermany now exists and will be able to elect its own Congress; the significance of this fact is evident in eRussia, where the lack of Congress and open citizenship leaves a country ripe for political takeover (PTO). However, eGermany will be able to hold elections if they are able to repel eItaly in Bavaria on Day 1099, as well as any upcoming front which may open before Day 1101. Depending on how Phoenix and EDEN leaders value eGerman sovereignty and citizenship, we could see a spike in participation in any battles started by eItaly in the next 36 hours.

eSpain is fighting for control of its Canary Islands (off picture) and attempting to advance in France while also facing two eFrench counterattacks (circled) and a RW attempt.

Spain Regains Canary Islands, Conflict with Brazil, France Reloads
eSpain regained its final missing native region a RW for Canary Islands closed on Day 1099 in the eSpanish forces' favor, despite eBrazil’s highest priority for the region. eBrazil had occupied the stepping stone to South America since kicking out eSpain from North of Brazil (No😎 on Day 1075, and after an extended joint eBrazil-eFrance offensive in the Iberian Peninsula, had repelled three RW attempts and two attacks on the islands.

Renewed hostilities unfolded moments after eSpain regained the islands. eFrance began the new wave of war by attacking the occupied Limousin and the high-stone Rhone Alps in the 16:00 hour, followed shortly after by a RW for Auvergne and an eSpanish move against Poitou Chartenes. eBrazil entered into the reignited fray at 18:07 by attacking the newly liberated Canary Islands once more, bringing these three countries back into conflict just when it appeared that hostilities may be easing.

eHungary is almost its full size

Hungary Returning to Map
Only six days after eHungary fell to EDEN, the liberation of Central Hungary on Day 1098 signaled the recovery of Phoenix’s traditional power. Combined with eSerbia’s conquest of Southern Great Plain, which the Phoenix country took back from eCroatia and is now returning to eHungary via RW, and we may see eHungary at its full size before Election Day. However, eCroatia remains in control of Southern Transdanubia, and the attempted RW has been solidly repulsed in the early phases.

New Zealand, Australia Engage in Training War
Training wars seldom gain attention, nor should they, but the war started by eNew Zealand and eAustralia for Tasmania is notable because of the large eSerbian block in eNZ. There is some degree of sarcastic gunning for Tasmania by eNew Zealanders despite the battle being a training war for both sides, which gives some credence to the concern shared by some eAustralian citizens over eNZ’s strong eSerbian influence. Were Tasmania to show signs of unexpectedly falling to eNZ, then there could be a greater cause of concern for the eAustralians, who already have one hostile neighbor.

Closing and Happy Thanksgiving
We may be seeing the actions which bring fighting in Great Britain and Ireland to an end, but the upcoming Congressional elections assure that combat over eGermany and other endangered nations will continue. Phoenix seems to be faring better than others give them credit for, although their position is not guaranteed and progress must continue in protecting eGermany and securing eHungary for the alliance to claim any victory. All the while, curiosities abound as to what may be next between eSpain and eBrazil, and if anything will become of the eNew Zealand training war. However, this newspaper will be taking a brief hiatus to observe Thanksgiving and recall the real life blessings for which I am thankful, unless any free time with my family and in-game events prompt me to write. Coverage will resume following the holiday weekend.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf
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