eRep, a Musical Expose

Day 1,176, 13:30 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Papers I Like:
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The Pundit
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Hi kids!

Well, things are changing in eRepublik again. This isn't the first time, nor will it be the last. Let's take a look behind all the improvements (?) to get at what is going on. To make this a little more fun, I decided to add some music to emphasize my thoughts. The band du jour is everybody's fav from the '70's, ABBA. So, are you seated firmly on your little green disk?

Comfy, yes?

Who's in charge here anyway?
Money! Money! Money!

The Admins are the ones who run the game. They own the servers and wrote/write the program. Although this is a 'free' browser game, players have the ability to purchase 'gold' with real money. This is what pays the Admins real life salaries. Of course the Admins are going to 'improve' the game in any way that makes you want to buy gold. They know people like me will grumble, complain and then keep playing. Here's an interesting article by Gulden Draak that explains different ways Admins have come up with their 'new' ideas.

Where'd everybody go?

Several ePersons awoke the other day to find the value of their empire cut in half. Needless to say they were a bit upset. But we now have land to make up for the loss. That makes me feel so much better, thank you Admins for thinking of me. I appreciate your generosity in giving me land.

I guess we'll get over it
Knowing me, knowing you

I am tired of strategizing this game only to have the rules changed. Or maybe that's what Admins meant when they call this a strategy game. You have to figure out what insane change they will make next! I suppose we'll just keep playing.

How do you know if you've won?
The winner takes it all

There are two ways to look at this: 1) The Admins are the winners because they gain the only thing of significance, money; 2) Anyone who enjoys playing the game and interacting with in game friends is a winner.

Just because I like this song the best!
Dancing Queen

I've said my piece. Now, what do you think?