Can't stand critisism UK?

Day 1,472, 11:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by F. Castro

Dear F. Castro,
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The fact that Thanasis (or me as a matter of fact)is Greek has nothing to do. British empire has occupied half the world. Do you guys think you did that by drinking tea with the locals and persuading them? No. You used violence. A lot of it. Against Ireland, Scotland, Wales, America, India, China, Boers, Africans and many others. I am not saying that modern British are to blaim for all that, cause they are not. But you are to blame for calling "terrorists" those that fought your state in the past. You are accusing them for what? Bombings and killings? Wow, the people IRA killed are just a drop in an ocean compared to the rivers of blood old British Empire shed.
Reason: Flaming
Best regards,
Your eRepublik team

I posted that in this article. I don't care for the fp. I don't think you can call it flaming either. It's kinda sad though to see that you people can't stand critisism.