Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,032

Day 1,032, 15:21 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eSpain fights to hold onto its last region in the Americas
- eAustralia’s Capital region is captured by eIndonesia: Govt calls action cowardly
- eAustria engages in a training war with PHX heavyweight eHungary
- eCanadian impeached CP speaks out regarding his actions

Quote of the day:
“Counterattacking is an exercise in patience” - Fitisin


Today, eMexico attacked eSpain’s occupied region of Valley of Mexico. The attack is the latest in a series of attacks launched by eSpain’s enemies in the the western hemisphere since impeached eSpanish Country President Ramso aided the eNations adversaries in capturing regions before his impeachment was finalised.

Three weeks ago, eSpain was serious player in the America’s, holding eight regions in eVenezuela and eMexico, several of which were high-resource regions. However should tomorrow’s attack on Valley of Mexico be successful for eMexico, eSpain will be completely removed from North and South America. In fact, the loss of Valley of Mexico will remove all non-original regions from eSpain’s grasp, making it the only top 8 eNation (in population size) not in control of any regions outside of its original ones (eSpain is the third largest eNation in the eWorld).

For more information on the current series of attacks involving eSpain rea😛


Today, eIndonesia captured the eAustralian Capitol of New South Wales, leaving the eNation with only one remaining region, Tasmania.

In a statement released from the eAustralian Department of Public Relations, the Government stated “basically the eIndonesians are such cowards, they wouldn't attack us until someone had tied us up, beaten us, drowned us and made us completely incapable of defending ourselves. Now they are doing quite a good job of beating us on the battlefield.”

The eAustralian Government asked citizens to move to Tasmania and also called for help from citizens around the world to help break their currently eIndonesian controlled Congress.

For more information on the ongoing war between these two eNation, read previous newspaper articles.


Today, eAustria launched a training war with it friendly neighbour of eHungary. The training war is a result of eAustria negotiating for several weeks with its friends for a Mutual Protection Pact. The purpose of securing a pact would not only dissuade eAustria’s enemies, but provide the eNation access to fight in wars that its allies are engaged in, thus providing experience to its citizens and aiding its economy.

The training war will be fought in the region of Burgenland, which was originally eAustrian, but is currently held by eHungary.

The eAustrian president announced the training war in a rather unique way here: (its worth a click).


Following the impeachment of former Canadian Country President (CP) Rolo Tahmasee (for more information on the allegations that led to Tahmasee’s impeachment, rea😛, it appears that Karsten Skeries (a joke candidate in the election against Tahmasee), as per the in-game rules, will in-fact be taking up the responsibilities of CP. Skeries assumption of the position runs counter to the eNations constitution, says former CP and current Governor General Jacobi.

For the first time since his impeachment Tahmasee published an article justifying his actions, stating that he always had eCanada’s best interest in mind. While his argument resonates with some citizens, in the conclusion of Tahmasee’s article he acknowledges that he currently has control of several Government Organisations and states “no your not getting it back, well, day...but not until I'm good and ready, or I find the password and the political climate is right”.

To read Tahmasee’s full statement:

To read Jacobi’s full release:

For more information on the accusations against impeached CP Tahmasee visit the forum topic in eCanadian open congress:

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me ( and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me ( or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.