A Pause in Global Conflict

Day 5,211, 20:09 Published in USA USA by Herr Vootsman

As events in Ukraine progressed this week, my attention shifted from following Asteria's various campaigns and farming Sky Heros, to talking to my international friends and refreshing webpdates for updates on Ukraine.

It seems I was not alone, as last night when I contacted my counterpart in CODE - Zeus Christou - he expressed a similar concern and we began to discuss a ceasefire.

I convened the eUN Security Council and we (Asteria / Code / Hydra) came to a consensus.

Acknowledging the hard times that many people deal with, under the harsh face of war, the united community of this game has decided to end all wars, starting from today. After today's battles are over, all countries will propose peace treaties in all real wars or otherwise close their wars. All occupied regions can remain occupied and we have aggred to help the defend unauthorized RWs. This arrangement will continue until the 15th of March.

In the meanwhile, lets focus on our community and try to bring some good into this eWorld, rather than bring the conflict from RL into our game.

Thanks to everyone who helped come up with these plans. I only wish our real world politicians could do the same.