[TMS] Spanish Occupation Survival Guide

Day 2,256, 01:07 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Welcome eCanadians, yes we are about to be wiped again, I have come up with a guide to help you (us) survive the comings weeks/months! Please, hold back your orgasms.

Survival Tip #1

Stick together, seems obvious but last time a lot of players moved to other countries. We are a small country as it is an need every hand we can get to be liberated.

Survival Tip #2
Put aside your political rivalries, we did it pretty well last time, this time we must do the same. Obey government orders, work together as a team, help out those who need supplies. It is vital that we do not fight ourselves.

Survival Tip #3
Stock up your weapons, energy bars, bombs and bazookas. Fight for allies with food fights using lower quality weapons, this way you will be supporting our allies so they can return the favor and save up damage for when the government organizes a push.

Survival Tip #4
Keep writing articles. I know it sounds funny but the more active the community is, the less boring it will be and people won be tempted to leave to another CS. Keep the feeds active, stay positive, start up funding articles for war, lottery's, competitions, anything. I know TMS will be doing just that.

Survival Tip #5
Do not waste your damage. If we are trying to win a resistance war and the battle is looking favorable (55😵 do not fight. Either wait and see if the enemy start pushing or wait for the next battle, you will have plenty of time to deal your damage.

Survival Tip #6
Enjoy the Spanish women and drink plenty of beer \o/

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