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keeps tracks of events in erepublik

erepublik Summer challenge 27 june 2021

0 Dzień 4,974, 22:07 Opublikowane w Norway Norway Finanse i biznes Finanse i biznes

We got summer challenge for one week, pp up to 80k, ebars and half threats and some boosters.
Summer sale, stingers, threats, 100% dmg bosters, bombs and crussile missile

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Spring break tactics

10 Dzień 4,907, 04:42 Opublikowane w Norway Norway Finanse i biznes Finanse i biznes

mission make it count, deploy around 540 energy each time, you can deploy many times in one round, check in report are you are doing more then 500 energy, it will not count if you doing less..
mission war is ragging one hit in … czytaj więcej »

Spring break 27 april 2021

18 Dzień 4,907, 01:38 Opublikowane w Norway Norway Finanse i biznes Finanse i biznes

We got spring break lasting for 1 week, with missions earning tokens and earning prizes
Endorse for mission thankyou

prices of houses raised, job salaries, wraw, food little,tickets


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Spring challenge 2021 30.3- 3.april

0 Dzień 4,882, 12:33 Opublikowane w Norway Norway Finanse i biznes Finanse i biznes

We got spring challenge up to 80k pp, carrots and other goodies..
Spring sale april 2-4
Hope we will get for Easter most contested battles

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Hungry for love challenge - Erepublik Valentine 2021

0 Dzień 4,836, 08:10 Opublikowane w Norway Norway Finanse i biznes Finanse i biznes

We got PH medal and threats and ebars up to 80k pp, and some other deploy bosters as rewards.
Love button in battles for +1 PP, fighting in epic battles while it is active gives 3pp. It can be activated in different division while epic is active.

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