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Art's thoughts on and of stuffs and things.


17 hari ke 358, 14:47 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Congratulations to those who have not missed a single day of work since the launch of V1. Your contribution to the economy has proven valuable to the Admins and have rewarded you all with 5 Gold! Hooray!

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Voting Results

1 hari ke 352, 11:22 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

I guess its a good thing I remember them. 😃

5n4keyes: 66

Igor T: 39

Victor: 7

A total of 112 people voted. That's a little over 1/3 of "registered" citizens.

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Early Birds

3 hari ke 351, 00:11 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Within the first few minutes of the First V1 Presidential Elections, votes have already begun to pour in. As of 00:08 of the 35st day of the New World, current President 5n4keyes has a lead of 9 to 1 with Victor mysteriously on the ballot. hmmm, hes

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Missing In Action: MIA

14 hari ke 336, 15:52 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

(above: Have you seen this man?)

The Irish Minister of Trade, Final Destiny, is nowhere to be seen (figuratively.) His 100% wellness and absolutely ZERO shouts suggests he hasn't logged on since the launch of V1. Hopefully he hasn't gone as the

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New Min. Wage

0 hari ke 331, 21:54 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Congress has just set the Min. Wage at 1 IEP. Why it was at 5 IEP to start is beyond me. So to help with the economy, I suggest that everyone resign from your job and re-apply at a lower pay. But make sure there are job openings for you before you

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