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The Un-official NGO of EIndia formed to dispatch food and weapons. Please be free to ask or donate items. Any posible donation would be accepted.!!!

New levels of Mentorship program..!!!

46 hari ke 2,317, 03:31 Diterbitkan di India India Langkah awal di eRepublik Langkah awal di eRepublik

Hello my dear eindians,

Today I am here to announce a new scheme which would on the whole benefit the eIndian community.

The name of the scheme is "Newbie Vikas Yojana" or "Newbie Development Scheme"...

[ … baca lebih lanjut »

NE Thailand..!!! and MPP with MKD!!!

1 hari ke 2,316, 22:11 Diterbitkan di India India Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

All the present congressmen as you can see a NE law is proposed so...

Click on the YES button before the THAIS NE us we should NE them!!!

Here is the link to the law of NE: http:// … baca lebih lanjut »

Official Logo release of SOS INDIA and it's success story...!!!

35 hari ke 2,314, 15:25 Diterbitkan di India India Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Over 1400+ weapons dispatched....
More than 15000 units of food dispatched to the needy....
Rendering services to eIndia since the day of it's inception...!!!

The success story of SOS INDIA starts … baca lebih lanjut »

Weapons Dispatch on {D1 D2 D3}

74 hari ke 2,310, 11:14 Diterbitkan di India India Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Comment below this news article and get 7 Q7 weapons for free.

1. Offer available only for citizens with eindian citizenship.
2. Please make the damage for eindia particularly as we would be more likely releasing some regions for the

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Fire in the hole eIndia!!!

28 hari ke 2,309, 10:42 Diterbitkan di India India Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Hello eindians,
The National Shield tournament is about to start and so should our country get ready for this...

Eindian newbies getting ready for the battles!!!

The details are

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