Suasana buka/tutup

Moo on Education

10 hari ke 925, 14:46 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Continuing on in my series of articles on what I would do if elected I will cover a small under utilized ministry. The Minister of Educations Org is Named “University of Ireland” but … baca lebih lanjut »

Minister of Defence org Temp Suspension

30 hari ke 925, 11:47 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Patton had to go a way for a couple of days and has limited internet access. Before he left he gave me and CPL an emergency contact number, in case of emergency. In his absence I am going to step up as VP to let the citizens know what happened

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Moo Economic Postion

10 hari ke 922, 09:27 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Today is a good day to put out an economic article. I am going to do a series of articles based around the government minister jobs and what we plan to get accomplished next month … baca lebih lanjut »

Moo’s VP Choice

17 hari ke 920, 11:56 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

I am pleased to announce that Irish Princess has agreed to be VP of Ireland if I am elected president. I asked her because we both have a lot of things in common in how we play this game. We are both very active, have a large

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Moo for President

44 hari ke 918, 15:16 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

I would like to announce that I will be running for president of eIreland this month. I will be releasing a series of articles in the coming week explaining what I hope to get accomplished if elected. For the few people who do not know me I just

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