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" know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive?"
-Julie (Scott Pilgrim Volume 3)

If I were RL Swiss...

12 hari ke 880, 19:27 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland

This Section of Good-Bye Blue Monday will be split into three parts,

-If I were RL Swiss...
-Bada Bing, Baby Boom?
-What to look Forward too!

-If I were RL Swiss...
Look, Apparently there are new RL Swiss French

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Party Presidents, Consider the Following, and an Apology...

8 hari ke 877, 15:46 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland

Another Article of Good-bye Blue Monday, this article will be split into three parts,

Party Presidents,
Consider the Following

Party Presidents
Finally, an excuse to write an article, some content! Hooray!,

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Election, Implications, and a Tip of the Hat, Wave of the Finger

6 hari ke 868, 08:21 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland

Another article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article is split in three parts,
-Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger

Beginning with,
Now the elections did not go well

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Primaries and another Hitchhiker's Guide

20 hari ke 864, 08:07 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland

Another article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article will be divided into three parts,

-Hitchhiker’s Guide to eSwitzerland!
-Shaolins, Gotta Catch them All!

Starting today’s Good-Bye Blue Monday,

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The Swiss Primaries

46 hari ke 862, 16:36 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland

The Voting is officially over, our candidate is JNArno, next is Paul Proteus and Penguin4512 (Paul is before Penguin in the alphabet), then Wazamaza, and lastly, Sme3dy! Now, don't be dissapointed that you/or your candidate lost, just remember,

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