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how to win 4 g a day

8 hari ke 1,231, 05:12 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

Well it is prety easy : first you must buy iron and grain company and after about 3-4 months you will have about 10 companies or if you are realy good 15 or more😃

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How to be baned

4 hari ke 1,231, 04:03 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

To be baned is easy just put some nasty words in your articles and after a while... bane😛D

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How to get 1000 curency daily

7 hari ke 1,229, 02:13 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

Maybe you belive that wining 1000 curency a day is allmoust imposible but actualy it is very simple:
First step:
You donate real money and buy gold

Second step:

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grau la 0.3 ron bucata

10 hari ke 1,223, 12:17 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

Desi pare greu de crezut icepand de maine pretul la grau , fier , ulei , si piatra va creste de 6 ori iar numarul de produse va scadea de 6 ori desigur.

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End of Erepublik

2 hari ke 1,123, 09:48 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

I don't know when the end of erepublik will be but one of the admins sent me this text message:
"this is last erepublik birthday special misions"

From this we cand deduct that the end of erepublik could be in one year or even less.

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