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Let's give some fun to our neglected children. Let's color Erepublik.

This newspaper contains sketches of Erepublik graphics, coloring contest and other cool stuff.

New article every week.
Votes, subs and comments nicely welcome.

Big thanks for newspaper logo to iconshock from iconarchive

Coloring weapons S01E02

27 hari ke 3,512, 16:22 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Rysunek tygodnia to broń Q2
This week's topic is Q2 weapon.

Ale o co biega? Instrukcja w [url= lebih lanjut »

Coloring weapons intro

31 hari ke 3,505, 17:09 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Rysunek tygodnia to broń Q1 / This week's topic is Q1 weapon.
Ale o co biega? Przeczytaj pod obrazkiem / But what's going on? Read below the image.

[ For english press baca lebih lanjut »