Suasana buka/tutup

Disbursements - Day 816

3 hari ke 816, 13:17 Diterbitkan di Czech Republic Czech Republic

Nevvven - 100 gold - Mayment to President of Malaysia for re-inclusion in Sol war games

Czech Military Arsenal - 3 gold - disbursement made by minister of economy - reasons unknown
LifeMatrix - CZK 600 - disbursement made by minister of

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Monetary Markets intverventions - explanation day 816

1 hari ke 816, 01:51 Diterbitkan di Czech Republic Czech Republic

There have been questions about why I intervened in the monetary markets gold rate. This is because the CNB has two functions: 1 - to preserve the treasury and if possible grow it; and 2 - to provide monetary market stability to protect the

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Disbursements Day 815

4 hari ke 815, 15:02 Diterbitkan di Czech Republic Czech Republic

Funding to Czech Ministry of Defence for ongoing production of weapons: 150czk and 5 gold.


Carmen Polo

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Peněžní Trh a Ty *** The Monetary Market and You

1 hari ke 705, 21:41 Diterbitkan di Czech Republic Czech Republic

Rádi bychom všem připomenuli, že pokud máte Zlato (Gold), které chcete směnit na Kč (CZK), tak je značně výhodnější dát to Zlato na Peněžním Trhu na prodej za nejvýhodnější cenu (místo toho aby jste koupili Kč za to Zlato). Sice to může chviličku

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Activity Report

2 hari ke 593, 16:02 Diterbitkan di Czech Republic Czech Republic

Q4 DS has now been sold to Germany for 200 gold. This money has been deposited in CNB.

Q4 DS company remains up for sale.

Total gold in CNB now stands at 305 gold.

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