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Lost all hope to fight

7 hari ke 1,956, 14:23 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Usually I encourage everyone to fight during periods of time where we have to fight, however I am no longer in that position. I am tired of fighting for a useless cause, in all honesty what`s the point? Gain a mine that Brazil will control? I`d

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4 hari ke 1,952, 15:42 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Today is the day of passover, a day where the Hebrews where liberated as slaves from Egypt. Each year like other Jews I celebrate this holiday but I can help but notice the … baca lebih lanjut »

The Fox and the Fishes

3 hari ke 1,951, 16:14 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

*From the Talmud, thought Id share with all my readers*

Once, the wicked government [of Rome] decreed that the Jewish people were forbidden to study Torah. Pappus ben Judah saw Rabbi Akiva convening gatherings in public and studying Torah [with … baca lebih lanjut »

Running for Congress

2 hari ke 1,951, 12:48 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Well Ive decided to run for congress...I hardly see the point but I remember the following words, "If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it." I don`t want to change or lead a political party but I want to

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eSouth Africa: What is happening?

5 hari ke 1,950, 21:07 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

I have been gone from the game for atleast two years now, during that time period I believed that eSouth Africa had been liberated from Brazil in which we where occupied by during that time. I still remember fighting against them but I realized the

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