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UP UP And Away We Go!!

7 hari ke 2,654, 19:54 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

This is quite exciting, for the first time UP is finally showing strong results at the polls. I want to thank everyone for voting as usual! UP will be a strong opposition and a different change in congress from the usual inactivity. Regular updates

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Lazocracy Hits A New Low

34 hari ke 2,644, 09:50 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Once again my complete awe of how stupid Lazocracy can be astounds me.

Tifonus has fabricated a message between him and I, which basically claims I want to join Lazocracy. Are you just incredibly stupid or high on

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Some Thoughts

15 hari ke 2,643, 11:01 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

If it wasn`t obviously I won`t be running for reelection as head of UP, it has become quite clear that new leadership is either wanted or needed. Looking back on my term I am proud to say I`ve accomplished alot for the eSouth African opposition.

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The Past Week

6 hari ke 2,640, 19:45 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

I apologize to my loyal readers, I`ve been quite busy lately but I promise by tomorrow I shall be posting articles by the dozen for the next couple of weeks. I would like to thank everyone for voted in the presidential elections, we didn`t beat

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Let`s stop drinking the cool-aid

27 hari ke 2,632, 20:04 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Weirdly enough today I was accused of working with Lazocracy through a private message or "negotiating" with Lazocracy. I have feeling people may believe this even though this was a first accusation. If those who believe I am working with Lazocracy,

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