Competition winners

Day 3,456, 11:00 Published in Japan Serbia by InterimoSRB

Hello everyone o/

Your votes are counted and now its time to announce prize winners for Pulitzer Award.
I am sorry , results should be published a long time ago, but i was very busy so i hope that you will understand.

16 citizens of eJapan voted for the best article published in last month.
And results are :

1st place gets 16.5 gold,2500 cc and 30 q7 tanks - Amazarashi author of "Analysis of Democracy or Dictatorship in eJapan"
2nd place gets 10 gold, 1500 cc and 20 q7 tanks - Armadilo14 author of "ЗАБРАЊЕНА ИСТОРИЈА СРБА - ПРАВЕ ГРАНИЦЕ ДУШАНОВОГ ЦАРСТВА"
3rd place gets 7 gold, 1000 cc and 10 q7 tanks - BastovanSurcinski author of "Hi Meet Shirosakura, she is one of us"

Congratulations to the winners, rewards will be delivered very soon.
If you liked, you can donate and i will gladly organise this project again.
Thanks everyone who participated.

That's all for this article, tell me if you have any themes for my articles or what i do to make my news better etc.Feel free to write all that in comments or you can message me as well.

To the next article,