[MoD]: Fight green in Midtjylland

Day 682, 10:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

This is a training war started by the government, in the absence of PEACE training wars. Fight GREEN - DEFEND
Sup. The purpose of this article is to inform you, the average person, on military related matters, remind you of things you should be doing, and to apologise for a mistake or two along the way.

Are you getting your 5 a day?
Fighting. An integral part of eRepublik; both for the advancement of a country as a whole, and for each and every individual involved. The benefits are massive; improved wellness, faster experience gain, and the ability to rank up your army rank, and in time do more damage per hit due to this. Now, instead of writing a long section here on exactly how to fight, I’m going to point you all in the direction of our current Minister of Home Affair’s article Fighting and wellness. I recommend reading through this, and doing what it says. It will help you, me, the government, everyone.

Join the army Travel the world, meet interesting people, and kill them
The UK’s military hub. Apply there to join the military – Make your country stronger.

Guns for all!
As some of you may be aware we have been handing out guns for free the last few days. UK nationals need only join a specified IRC channel, paste their profile link, and receive guns. The IRC channel in question is #ukcivguns on irc.rizon.net for those of you who use a standalone IRC client. For those of you whom that does not apply to, use this link. Select a nickname, and in the ‘channels’ box, put ‘#ukcivguns’ instead of #euk. This will connect you to the channel you need to be. Simple paste your in game profile link (click on your profile, and copy the address in your browser’s address bar) into the chat, and someone will send guns when they see it.

I do however ask people to remember that it is night on impossible to have people there supplying 24 hours a day. Sometimes you might have to wait a while. I apologise, and we do have several people supplying; but we are only human. Generally speaking, the best time of day to ask is between 10-14 eRep time, or 6-10PM BST.

This service will run as long as we have both funding and/or supplies. I cannot say when this will end at the present time; so make the most of it while it is there, and rank up.


The more observant amongst you may have noticed that communication of battle orders has been rather lax the past few days. I take full responsibility for this; a 24 hour in game ban meant my access to the API portion of the UK military hub was disrupted, so I was unable to update orders. Orders in this every paper were neglected to an extent as well. Don’t worry, lesson learnt.

The future of the war in Scandinavia

The war, and more importantly, our role in it is still very much up in the air. EDEN forces wiped Norway off the map, closing wars against them, importantly closing the MPPs active against them against Russia. For the UK, this means we no longer have a war with Norway, which actually increases the UK’s security, as we no longer have any MPPs active against us. Worry not; we’ll figure something out.

Minister of Defence and Foreign affairs.