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Just the tired ramblings of a world weary traveler.

But always the proud owner of the Sexy Lizard Dance.

[PotUS] Day 2745 Mission Accomplished

6 Ден 2,745, 21:32 Објавено во USA USA Воена анализа Воена анализа

My Fellow Americans and Esteemed Friends,

A short message for you tonight.

Thank you, America, for
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[Trekk4CP] Day 2744 One more time

57 Ден 2,744, 14:31 Објавено во USA USA Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

My fellow Americans and esteemed friends,

First and foremost I want to thank you for making the last two months great. Together we have made my time as CP a wonderful experience. I thank everyone who has supported me in the last couple months.

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[PotUS] Day 2741 Weddings, Wars, and Dictatorship

53 Ден 2,741, 16:32 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Greetings my fellow Americans and esteemed friends,

The past week has been both trying and wonderful. On one end of the spectrum the country has had a unsanctioned revolution, leaving the executive and legislative branches to pick up the pieces.

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[PotUS] Day 2734 Revolution

5 Ден 2,734, 11:15 Објавено во USA USA Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

My fellow Americans,

Today I have a brief statement for you.

As of late last night, our country has come under attack. Not from some outside invading force, but from one of our own.

A Revolution has been started to topple the government

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[PotUS] Day 2733 Election Day Marching Orders!

37 Ден 2,733, 11:01 Објавено во USA USA Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Hello Americans.

Today I am bringing you a short update the Party President Elections. If you have not yet voted, I urge you to move to USWP and vote Animis for Party President. The … прочитај повеќе »