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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

New US Ambassador to Turkey

46 Ден 589, 09:06 Објавено во Turkey Turkey

Greetings, citizens of Turkey. I would like to introduce myself. I am PigInZen and have been appointed to be the US Ambassador to Turkey. I am having difficulty, however, in finding just where my consulate is. If any of you would be kind enough

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Why I will be voting for HarrisonRichardson on July 5th

22 Ден 588, 09:16 Објавено во USA USA

Thanks for reading this and giving what I am about to write some thought.

Let me being by stating for the record that I'm not a supporter of Harrison's "tradition pictures" - his closing pictures of scantily-clad women pulled from major men's

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EXCLUSIVE SCOOP: CvP primary invalidated!

20 Ден 586, 19:48 Објавено во USA USA

Just received word that the CvP presidential primary has been invalidated due to massive vote fraud.

Ajay Bruno will not be the CvP presidential nominee.

Edit: I won't state the official source as that needs to be done through, um, official

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Thanks Massachusetts!

5 Ден 584, 06:09 Објавено во USA USA

Let me start by saying like all freshmen Senators I am thrilled to have been chosen to represent their state in Congress. I promise to abide by my campaign platform and provide weekly reports concerning my voting record, platform goal achievements

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Congressional Elections, position paper #5

2 Ден 582, 12:48 Објавено во USA USA

This is the fifth and last in a series of articles outlining in detail my stances on what I consider to be the important issues of the day. This entry will deal with interparty and intercitizen relations, general civic discourse and how divergent

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