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This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

Oh boy.

4 Ден 2,074, 16:43 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Први чекори во eRepublik Први чекори во eRepublik

So, here i was, at the first days of the game, and what do i get?
a message saying ''OMG your nation(switzerland) is conquered by some cool dudes in slovenia, better start a revolution, rofl' … прочитај повеќе »

Subscribe to my newspaper, and get votes from me/and or support!

5 Ден 2,074, 16:33 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

That's right, folks, subscribe to my insane, stupid, funny, and drunk newspaper, and get cool votes from me to yoru newspaper/blogs, and/or you will get some support by me(either by voting, … прочитај повеќе »

Glorious day, a day of freedom!

3 Ден 2,074, 16:25 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Воена анализа Воена анализа

Hello, and welcome to the Fighting Independent.
today, we shall discuss the epic tale of Geneva, my first city on this game.
Geneva, a humble home, and a modest starting place for a citizen … прочитај повеќе »