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Solely Entertainment

8 Ден 4,578, 19:11 Објавено во India India Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Espionage Intelligence
Suggest some good series or books or games on the above topic!
I have watched some good series and movies. Comment below if you want some good references.

You can suggest anything similarly interesting and … прочитај повеќе »

Why run for pp?

11 Ден 4,573, 20:52 Објавено во India India Први чекори во eRepublik Први чекори во eRepublik

Point of concern-
Guys, I see many new players not that active even in the game, just coming training, working, fighting and going offline running for pp and asking for votes. I am not discouraging you.

My views-
I have been in … прочитај повеќе »

Necesitas Ayuda

17 Ден 4,532, 07:41 Објавено во Spain Spain Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

¡Hola mis hermanos y hermanas!

Guys, I am learning Spanish and being locked down in this crisis period I remembered of this beautiful game I used to play 3-4 years back.
Firstly, I will start by saying, I pray for Spain to recover … прочитај повеќе »