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This enewspaper will probably be an intermittent babbling of barely cohesive thoughts, so basically no different than RL newspapers. Cheers!

And Lo, Division Classes Art Just An Illusion, It Doth Mean Nothing

5 Ден 4,277, 15:35 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Date: 17:30 Day 4277
By: Hcmadman

Hi, Im a low level derp player, I belong in Division 1.

That being said the level 500+ accounts that regularly fight in pretty much any division below 4 are pretty ridiculous. Don't care if they fight for or

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Life Below #10, Part II

5 Ден 4,275, 16:49 Објавено во USA USA Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Date: 16:45 Day 4275
By: Hcmadman

There is a murky world few mark the passage of, filled the the unfortunate, the unloved, the unmotivated, and the unamerican.

Welcome to part 2, the dry analytical continuation of the enumeration of

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Relating To The Shortcomings Of Wars And Their Associated Game Mechanics

6 Ден 4,275, 07:33 Објавено во United Kingdom United Kingdom Воена анализа Воена анализа

Date: 07:25 Day 4269, Republished to the UK Day 4275
By: Hcmadman

I can claim no special right to criticize the way the game works, nor the way eGovernments handle policy in the constrained environment of eRepublik.
I will

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Life Below #10, Part I

8 Ден 4,274, 22:36 Објавено во USA USA Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Date: 22:30 Day 4274
By: Hcmadman

There is a murky world few mark the passage of, filled the the unfortunate, the unloved, the unmotivated, and the unamerican.

No Im not talking about the line at the DMV, or the denizens who get locked

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Candy Chicanery

4 Ден 4,273, 07:27 Објавено во USA USA Финансиски деловни активности Финансиски деловни активности

Date: 7:30 Day 4273
By: Hcmadman

Over the past few days I have been reviewing some of the changes made to the game during my protracted absence, needless to say I have been facepalming more than a picard meme.


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