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[Ideas for Plato] The End of Scamming

15 Ден 2,805, 08:04 Објавено во United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Previous ideas the admins will never implement:

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dear-plato-1-2532151/1/20прочитај повеќе »

False Advertising

19 Ден 2,790, 08:12 Објавено во United Kingdom United Kingdom Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Lets take a look at this party,

From the outside, to new players, this looks like a fairly standard party. Advertising itself as democratic and ‘dedicated to equality’, whatever that means. It been known

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Dear Plato…

11 Ден 2,768, 07:53 Објавено во United Kingdom United Kingdom Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Some suggestions for the profile page,

We want to know who’s multi that was.

And others they created.

As you're not banning people anymore for multi’s

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What does the UK need?

54 Ден 2,687, 05:51 Објавено во United Kingdom United Kingdom Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Due to Wayne’s totalitarian rule we’re left with a million quid unaccounted for and a dieing political scene. The eUK needs a dictator to help stop a foreign takeover as the 400k cost helps deter any MU’s wanting to try. This idea was passed by

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Where are your taxes going?

44 Ден 2,423, 08:50 Објавено во United Kingdom United Kingdom Финансиски деловни активности Финансиски деловни активности

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