Reducing Import Taxes for Weapons and FRM

Day 2,865, 16:10 Published in Australia Australia by J Seemore

Dear congressmen,

I want to propose some tax changes. Our economy depends of global market and global events, but also the main factor is number of local producers and the current bonuses we have.
When you go to Australian market to buy the items all prices should be near the levels of Top 10 Nation. Often you are located in a place outside our territory and then you can choose the domestic market or the foreign one. Comparing the prices you will make the most economical advantage decision. Same you can do when searching new employer for better salary.

Reducing import tax for weapons from 15% to 5%

Using workers for producing highest quality weapons require full bonuses for this industry. All Australian players with Q7 weapon factory will score profit if they work only as manager. I assume the owners of such factories will use their production for own use.

All Q7 weapons in Australian market are manufactured abroad. Those produced here are not based on rational profitability management. When buying the aforementioned items 3% of the price go to the Country Treasury. (VAT = 3😵

15% import tax will stop everyone with different citizenship from placing weapons to our market. If we reduce this tax to 5% the chance to see foreign offers will be much higher. 5% is enough to protect local speculators or the eventual local producers. Even 5% is high but let we make the experiment now and in later stage we can make another discussion with numbers and deep analyzes.

Nowadays we buy our weapons from all available markets including Black Market. Sometimes we send 3% when buying them here. If foreigners come to our market we will be motivated to buy their weapons even with a little bit higher price but knowing that we will send 8% of the total sum to our Treasury.

In conclusion I can say that we have nothing to lose by voting 5% import tax for weapons. There is a theoretical chance to increase our incomes.

Reducing import tax for food raw materials from 15% to 7%

We don't have so much FRM on our market to fulfill our needs. Our food factories consume grain bought from foreign markets. Sometimes we see players with different citizenship to place good offers here. "Sometimes" is not enough - we want regular delivery and that could be achieved by lowering the import tax.

7% looks pretty reasonable. I expect to see fine offers in the whole first page. Let me remind you that buying from local producer you stimulate his economy but you don't send anything to the Treasury. Same is when you buy from a place abroad. The only way to send some funds for Government needs is buying FRM from foreign players offers placed on Australian market.

We have to be open for the Global Market. Our consumption will remain the same but when we set the proper taxes according to current situation then we contribute to the budget.

The benefit will be for our community!

This article is published to open a discussion about tax rates. We can find other numbers instead of those I suggest. For this reason a poll in our forum will not be created at this stage. Once we find the right percents we will vote those proposals.
