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The only newspaper that explain everything from LarasDea's perspectives.

Will contain so many surprises thing from Her mind. Don't blame me if it's too harsh or something. Well, it's just how I see the eWorld :p

MentorNubi : Room "Mentor" untuk Nubi?

34 1,701일 22:04 Indonesia에 게시 Indonesia 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

Hello Fellas!
Wherever you are, Whenever you read this, Whatever you do


Satu kata yang menggambarkan perasaan TS saat ini.

Kenapa sedih? Abis diputusin kah?

Hadeh, mendingan diputusin deh daripada ngeliat … 확장 »

Live Report : Jogjakarta eRep Players Gathering July 13th 2012

63 1,697일 11:48 Indonesia에 게시 Indonesia 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Hello Fellas!
Wherever you are, Whenever you read this, Whatever you do

Hari ini, TS dan PyoTro's sampai di Jogjakarta dengan menumpangi Kereta Ekonomi Progo. Kami sampai pada pukul 7 pagi WIB dan langsung ke arah Pakem karena menginap … 확장 »


15 1,695일 14:43 Indonesia에 게시 Indonesia 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Hello Fellas!
Wherever you are, Whenever you read this, Whatever you do

"Things are better left unspoken. But well, just say what you wanna say." - LarasDea

[img]http://i744.photobucket.com/albums/xx85/Avant_Ananda/[/img] … 확장 »

[1694] Berita Teraktual dari Situasi (permahoan) eIndonesia Terkini

31 1,694일 12:26 Indonesia에 게시 Indonesia 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Hello Fellas!
Wherever you are, Whenever you read this, Whatever you do

Kali ini TS mengumumkan sebuah artikel baru yang bakalan TS terbitkan setiap ada berita "hangat" di kalangan eIndonesia. Berita ini bisa berisi gosip, fakta, … 확장 »

Dedicated to All Capung Division Member

12 1,694일 09:37 Indonesia에 게시 Indonesia eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

Hello Fellas!
Wherever you are, Whenever you read this, Whatever you do

This time, i would like to tell whole Capung Division Member about what things that they have to do. In order to make them understand, I'll explain it one by one. 확장 »