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A PEACEful history lesson...

5 654일 14:15 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

I have to confess that in the PEACE argument, I would classify myself as PEACE cynical. In some ways, what the Pro-PEACE and anti-PEACE argument is about is like a debate of ideology. A kind of debate that is scarily familiar.

Time for a

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And my election vote will go to.... ....

7 643일 08:10 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

I surely cannot be the only one who will probably take the view that voting in the next election is largely a pointless affair. From looking at the general manifestos of the major parties, I don't think there is a single eUK politial party that

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And so Canada gloats back...

3 637일 10:48 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

So Canada fights and wins back Nova Scotia for itself. Fine by me...

To be honest, I've been fighting with the resistance against Britain - and I've got a few e-mails from those connected with the UK government pointing out I shouldn't be

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Traitor ? Moi ? Nej.

6 622일 08:43 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

Should the eUK be part of PEACE or should it have stayed loyal to the eUS ? Frankly as a newer player, I have absolutely no idea. Since I started playing, I have read various well written articles as to why PEACE is a good thing, and I have read 확장 »