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Aide pour les Belges - Hulp voor Belgen - Help for Belgians

9 791일 11:16 Belgium에 게시 Belgium

Aide pour les Belges - Hulp voor Belgen - Help for Belgians

Aide pour les Belges

Comment reconnaître un vrai belge d'un polonais, croate, roumain, … ?[/확장 »

Hello Belgium, Bonjour la Belgique, Goeie dag België

15 789일 04:21 Belgium에 게시 Belgium

Hello Belgium

You know that Belgium (Brussels) is « liberated »,. Belgium is back on the map.
Now, this is the same history that few months ago with The group, the only … 확장 »

Be Careful some Polish cheaters want your account !!!

21 788일 07:55 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

Some minutes ago, I receive a PM from a new citizen born today.
He tells me that I have win 150 golds. To win them, I go must to an other website
The problem is that website (with a domain who finish by the extenstion .PL) asks my citizen name, my

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Kravenn for Congress in Brussels

9 763일 09:28 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

Who I am ?

Hello I am Kravenn, I am UK citizen since some weeks. I am born on day 545 (18.05.2009), I have been 3 times congressmember in Unl and 2 times PP of … 확장 »

We have won !!!! : The Group is now a old history

20 757일 09:57 Netherlands에 게시 Netherlands

We make history : We have won in Brussels, We have liberate Belgium from The Group. No more martial law in Brussels.
Yesterday, we have liberate Flanders : Now Brussels is free … 확장 »