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Senior Journalist - Analyse

15 2,733일 01:33 Romania에 게시 Romania 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Good day readers

Yes, I've did it! I am, based on Plato's appreciation, senior journalist.

Let's see how i did it, what I've earned and what I've lost:

Written Articles: 13
Number of votes: 763
Number of comments: 확장 »

Lectia de eistorie: Nation Stats (ROMANIA) - Sezonul Articole e2 [eHistory lesson]

29 2,731일 00:03 Romania에 게시 Romania 전장 분석 전장 분석

Good day readers

In this days we all see a lot of stats with billions of damage, with players reaching level 600+ and a lot of legend military ranks. Strengths over 100.000 are common this days.

[img]http://i.[/img] … 확장 »

Forfeit points - "." Trademark - republished - edited for no flaming :)

46 2,717일 06:16 Romania에 게시 Romania 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Good day readers

I haven't write in the last couple of days from lack of time in RL.

Today I received my first forfeit point.
Later Edit: and the second forfeit point for this article, previous version which was considered … 확장 »

ENDORSERS rush - review

6 2,683일 09:28 Romania에 게시 Romania 재정 사업 재정 사업

Good day readers,

Now with the missions I've decided to see how some of the articles from top 10+ are doing with the endorsement missions.

The images are almost random.
Spring Rush!....en tu almacen :3
[img]http://i.imgur.com/[/img] … 확장 »

It's all COLD

7 2,682일 05:07 Romania에 게시 Romania 전장 분석 전장 분석

Good day readers,

It will be a short article.
I'm trying to do some spring rush missions. Let's see how i manage:

[img]http://i.imgur.com/jmal7uh.png[/[/img] … 확장 »