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[CP] Capitolul VII - Imperii Determinate!

57 2,196일 15:30 Romania에 게시 Romania 전장 분석 전장 분석

!For the foreign subscribers: I was elected president of Romania and this month I will publish articles for my country. Sorry about that ...

Sarut mainile Doamnelor si Domnisoarelor
Buna seara Domnilor,

Cu voia sau … 확장 »

[CP] Capitolul VI - Bulgaria

206 2,191일 05:25 Romania에 게시 Romania 전투 명령(BO) 전투 명령(BO)

Buna ziua,

Dupa seara de pomina in care bulgarii au reusit sa castige, lucrurile s-au precipitat de partea noastra..cum era de asteptat in astfel de ipostaze...

In consecinta vreau sa lamurim public unele aspecte, daca mai e ceva de lamurit:

확장 »

[CP] Capitolul V - Sfarsit de saptamana!

54 2,189일 15:14 Romania에 게시 Romania 전장 분석 전장 분석

!For the foreign subscribers: I was elected president of Romania and this month I will publish articles for my country. Sorry about that ...

Sarut mainile Doamnelor si Domnisoarelor
Buna seara Domnilor,

Pentru o … 확장 »

[CP] Capitolul IV - O zi cat un mandat!

70 2,187일 14:24 Romania에 게시 Romania 전장 분석 전장 분석

!For the foreign subscribers: I was elected president of Romania and this month I will publish articles for my country. Sorry about that ...

Sarut mainile Doamnelor si Domnisoarelor
Buna seara Domnilor,

Pentru editia … 확장 »

[CP] Capitolul III - Unele decizii

72 2,185일 14:29 Romania에 게시 Romania 전장 분석 전장 분석

!For the foreign subscribers: I was elected president of Romania and this month I will publish articles for my country. Sorry about that ...

Sarut mainile Doamnelor si Domnisoarelor
Buna seara Domnilor,

Perioada … 확장 »